- Day: 53
- Start: 1586
- End: 1632 - 15
- Miles: 31
- Hours: 14
- High temp: 83
- Low temp: 48
- People met: 0
Morning on the prairie
Sleep came after the coyotes sang. I awoke to traffic whizzing by. I'm on a well build oiled dirt road walking to Rawlins. Construction crews are going to work on this very road. I see support vehicles all day. The scenery is just the same except the road goes up and down and turns this way and that. Whenever a vehicle goes by a huge dust trail is behind them. I switch sides of the road depending on the wind. Happily the wind seems to be behind and to the east so most of the dust is directed away from me if I walk on the west side. There are beautiful purple flowers along the entire road. I suspect they have been planted as they are only on the right-of-way.
The road is an infinity road at times. I estimate the distance and calculate the time to reach the vanishing point. I'm sorry but not much else of interest. I listened to music to make the time pass on this road, something I seldom do.
Vanishing Point
The oiled road gives way to a paved road and so it goes until Rawlins. The good news is the Great Basin is complete and was done is all its spring time glory. Now I'm off to meet Carolyn in Missoula, MT for a week. Sorry no updates for a couple of weeks while I'm waiting out the snow. I'm not sure exactly where I'm going to start when I get back on the trail, but it should be somewhere in Montana.