Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Reds Meadows

Day 13

JMT Miles Hiked: 12
Hours Hiked: 5

Wet Sierra earth scents drift into my tent rousing me from my slumber. I've always loved this scent a mixture of wet wood, pine needles and clean earth. The scent sparks memories of living at Tahoe and Truckee. I survied well last night with only a little dampness that can be resolved this afternoon. I pack quickly as the sunny clear skys bid me to hike.  Next next generation of adolescent chipmunks scurry everywhere. Their ears and tails are much to big for the little bodies, they a humerious to watch. I pass a small meadow, in the morning light the grass color seems so intense. 

The streams in this section have log bridges for crossing. 

The trail is mostly an even grade and high on the side of a mountain running through a nice forest. I come upon some of the damage done by an intense windstorm of 2012. I have an easier time on the trail this year than when I walked it in '12. Then I had to work around a lot of downed trees. 
Looking ahead one can see the downed trees. 

As the trail winds down to Red's Meadows I view the damage of a earlier and more intense wind event, it actually snapped big trees. 

I arrive at Red's Meadows finding an open cafe and store. As I drop my pack Mulberry pops his head out if the cafe and invites me in. 

Red's Meadows Cafe

We enjoy another meal together, the he takes his leave as he has more miles to hike. I remember that today is Joshua's birthday so I send him a special wish.  I look for a way to town as I've got a resupply box and the second half of my JMT permit to secure. Tradesmen are working on buildings in the area, a plumber appears as if he is going back to town, I ask for a ride and he happily obliged. Jared is his name, we enjoy a lively conversation about hiking, mountain living and plumbing. Jared drops me at the post office making my town journey very easy. I secure my box and a room for the night, then off to the Forest Service for my permit. I swing by the local pharmacy for some additional supplies. Back at the room I dry my gear, clean my clothes, and shower. Now to get the posts out to everyone. 

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