Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Zero Day

Day 11

VVR, Vermillion Valley Resort, is owned and staffed by friendly people that completely understand hikers. 
The front entry to the store and kitchen. 

A shot of the outside bar and eating area. 

They sport a small store featuring travel sized items and hiker gear replacement. The restaurant is rustic backwoods charm with well prepared food.  After a delicious breakfast burrito enjoyed in a dinning room full of hikers I tend to chores. Laundry is managed easily as no one else is in line. A through boot drying replete with foot powder, equipment cleaning and organization. I was able to secure a yurt to stay in. Yurts are round and simply made and covered with a vinyal treated canvas. Inside it is lined with a cheerful wood paneling. There is a small kitchen, table and chairs and a comfortable bed, plus it's own privy just a few steps outside. 

I fine tune my gear and organized my maps in the afternoon. I'm ready to hike tomorrow, tackling SilverPass. After 7 days in the trail I am recharged and refreshed.  

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