Monday, August 26, 2019

Mack’s Alt

  • Date 8-24-19
  • Day:  19
  • Start: 2028
  • End: 2039  plus 17 alt
  • Miles: 28. 
  • Hours: 12
  • High Temp: 71
  • Low Temp: 41
  • Thru Hikers Met: 8

Summit Lake 

The wind died down creating a whisper quiet night and morning.  A cool morning and thankfully not as cold as the last few. Moving forward  on the trail the water is not as plentiful as we have been experiencing. We are carrying more now to finish the hike. 

Typical forest walk

Today’s hike is again an easy walk. Unbelievably the trail is flat and fast. This is the type of trail most people think of when I call the hike a walk. Simple , easy and fun.  We cross through dead burned forest into live open forest and then repeat the process again and again.  There aren’t any mountains in the distance over the tree tops like we are used to seeing, just open sky. The lack of  mountains makes me feel like I’m on top of the world.  
The trail is leaving Yellowstone and even Wyoming. This means we have walked over the years through New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming for more than 2000 miles. 

Welcome to Idaho 

And we are out of  Yellowstone 

Finally a view of the world around us

Water is now scarce , we chose the Mack’s Inn alternate route because it has water. Our forest trail has merged with a dirt road.  With a light amount of dust causing traffic on this road is is not as nice as a trail.  As the trail elevation drops more and more signs of civilization appear. We are coming back to reality from our blissful hiking adventure.  The last 4.8 miles are on paved roadway with even more traffic, certainly not as much fun. 
Then it’s over and I have tied my CDT hiking together with the section starting where I just ended.  I now have the CDT complete up to interstate 15 and Lima. 
The hike we both shared was beautiful and inspiring.  There were more wonderful views and features than normally experienced on a hike of this distance. I am extremely satisfied and happy with this section hike of the CDT. Looking forward to completing the last of this great hike next year. 

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