Thursday, March 16, 2017

Hurricane Stella

Day:  4
Start:  31.4
End:  42.9
Miles:  11.5
Hours:  7
High temp:  35
Low temp:  28
People met:  18 thru hikers 
The hostel is like a ships bunk room

only a bit roomier

Last night's sleep was a little rugged, as I coughed all night. It wasn't until early morning that I realized the open fiberglass on the duct work above my bunk was probably contributing to it. I moved into the common room and found about 1 hr on sleep before the hostel came alive. On the positive side, this place was filled with great people which were enjoyable to interact with. One young hiker, Chuck, showed concern about my coughing in the evening and offered to make me some chicken Ramon.  His thoughtless made me think of MASH and the Doctors helping victims in the field, so in the morning I explained that to him and suggested a trail name of Trapper John, after one of those Doctors. Being as young as he is he didn't have a big exposure to the movie or the shows so after some web research he found he liked the idea and announced to his friends his trail name. Trapper.John and his friends are four late 20's college graduates. Each one is an enjoyable person to talk with. 

 Hostel  to the left.  The passage way is the only covered section on the AT

It is 0800 hrs and I'm off on this chilly morning. The trail climbs out of the gap so there is good heat generation right away. The ground  beneath is frozen solid with the imprints of hikers boots making for nice traction. I'm alone for a while enjoying the solitude of the frozen forest.  The air is still right now which helps with the enjoyment of the morning. 

The rise in afternoon temperature yesterday melted most of the snow

A bit of a sunrise

Hurricane Stella, a storm I have no affection for, is kicking in more cold air movement, with temperatures just above freezing and if course, a nice wind chill factor of about 27 degrees. 

Soon Trapper and his friends join me and we hike loosly for s while. Our plans are the same to make Low Gap for nightfall. On the AT there are many shelters along the trail. These shelters are basicly raised three sided covered platforms that will accommodate 7 hikers side by side. There are associated campsites in the area and often a latrine and water source. These shelters have been packed along with the camping sites when I get there so I haven't stayed in any yet. I'll see tonight. 

View roughly to the east from Leveland Mountain 

During a break with Trapper's college group I feel like taking a nap because of my poor night. My first thought is I could just freeze to death right here so, better hike. Tha afternoon becomes more ominous as the storm blows in, no real precipitation yet but cold wind.  By the time I get to Low Gap it's only 1600 hrs, but I'm spent and yearning to sleep. The shelter and camps are full so I get a spot off trail to the west of the camp. Once in my bag I am immediately overcome with wonderful sleep. As I drift off I remind myself to brush my teeth in a bit. Woke up at 2200 hrs, rolled over listening to rain then awakened to my alarm at 0600 hrs with snow all around.  Thankful for such a great sleep 

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