Wednesday, May 17, 2017

James River

  • Day:  67
  • Start:  776.3
  • End:  799.1
  • Miles:  22.8
  • Hours:  11
  • High temp:  78
  • Low temp:  60
  • Thru hikers met:  1

Morning below Thunder Ridge 

I awake to my alarm, stretch and think about sleeping some more.  I slept well last night so I should get up, but I'm soooo comfortable.  Sound judgement wins out, one last stretch and I'm up getting dressed and stowing my gear.  On the trail at 0640 hrs, I am happy about that. This morning I have about 8 miles of downhill hiking. 

I believe these are a small rhododendron

This one too

Some new flowers appear this morning, I think they are a smaller rhododendron.  These smaller rhodies are showing all along the trail this morning along with the beautiful larger cousin. . 


You just gotta smile

I turn a corner and now I can catch glimpses of the James River. This is a big muddy river that will require some way to cross it. In years past I believe hikers used the railroad bridge to cross. The river is so wide that crossing on a railroad bridge might be dangerous, so there is a footbridge now.  The James River Footbridge  is nearly 1000' long being the longest on the AT.  Hikers are always delighted to step on it and take a picture, thus making this bridge a bit of an AT icon. 

So here's my picture 

The river is rather wide

My father would have enjoyed this shot
Ok that's all the downhill hiking for a while. Now l've got a 2 to 3 hour climb ahead of me. The sun is out in full glory today and the breeze is almost non-existent. I have a full 2 liters of water with electrolytes added.  The trail follows s stream with a couple of crossings, thankfully they both are bridged. 

This is the size of bridge I'm more used to

A pleasant little stream to hike along 
As I turn uphill  away from the stream the climb begins. I'm thankful for the shade provided by the trees as the air is still today. 
The climb is hard requiring me to stop frequently to cool down.  There is a nice reward view as I reach the top, an easterly view of the James River. 

James River

I rest awhile enjoying the view then push on. Water is not available up here, the next source is 12 miles ahead.  I've got another climb in a while up Bluff Mountain. I'm managing my water to last until I get to the next source, however I wish that I added an additional liter.  I summit Bluff Mountain and I figure I've got 1/2 a liter of water left. The trail is downhill with just a small climb before a long downhill to the water 6 miles away. A moderate pace in the shade requires little water. It's the climbs combined with the still warm air that use so much water. 

This young buck did not want to move in the heat either. 

I come upon buck on the trail, he notices me but is not interested in moving. Finally he moves a little down the trail and stops. I start walking and he gives up jumping into the brush, but not far, just 20'

One last westerly view. The town might be Lexington. 

The last little climb is finished and so am I.  In less than a mile I will get water. I'm already planning on how much I'll drink as soon as I filter it. Ahhh sweet cold spring water just bubbling right out of the ground, so refreshing. Now I head down the trail hoping to find a flat spot to camp. The trail crosses and abandoned road offering plenty of level camping. Tired tonight I get my tent up a relax after a long hot day. 

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